Lesson 5

prayer communication with jesus that leads us to his heart


As we look to further our understanding and practice of prayer, ask the Holy Spirit to help you engage in prayer. Many things can keep us from prayer. Identify those things and ask God to help you overcome them this week. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see the blessings of prayer (Ephesians 1:16-18). 



In the beginning, scripture declares that God formed the first humans from the ground and breathed the breath of life into them. The word breath in both the Old and New Testament is the same word for spirit. The concepts of breath, life, and spiritual communication between God and humanity are highlighted throughout the Bible. God breathes his life, energy, attributes, thoughts, power, guidance and will into His special creatures. Humanity hears, knows, and experiences God through prayer. And what may be even more astounding, is that God listens and hears us, as well.


People turn to prayer in many different occasions and with many different motives. From praying for their favorite team to win the Super Bowl to praying for divine healing, most people do pray. In the Bible, people likewise prayed for many different things. People called on God to provide, protect, guide, bless, reveal, help them be successful, and the list goes on. It seems quite fitting to pray for just about most any and everything in our life. The Bible doesn’t seem to limit what we should pray for, in fact, it quite clearly says to pray for just about everything (Philippians 4:6-7). Instead of worrying, God lovingly beckons us to cast our cares upon Him, because He loves us (1 Peter 5:7). Through this, we can have peace that surpasses all understanding. 

Furthermore, something very transformational happens when we not only go to God in prayer but know the heart and purpose of prayer. That is, if we go about praying to simply get what we want, we will miss the point of prayer (Matthew 6:6-8). You see, prayer is about deepening our relationship with God. It is about His will being done in our lives and world. Following Jesus in prayer is about trusting God in that purpose. Through it, in thankfulness and gratitude, we discover who God is and who we are. 

Prayer is communication with Jesus that leads us to his heart. 

And when we understand Jesus’ heart, we truly have what we need.


Jesus, himself, took time to teach his followers the heart of prayer. In the gospels, Jesus is specifically asked by his disciples how to pray. The following prayer, often called the Lord’s Prayer, is one of the most commonly used passages of scripture in the Church over the last 2,000 years. This prayer has been recited and become the foundation of prayer for 100’s of millions of people from every corner of Earth. In it, we see what prayer is all about; how we can best engage in it, and grow through it. While it is certainly quite recommended to recite this prayer word for word daily, it also serves as a launching point and foundation for our prayer times with God in our endeavor to pray “without ceasing”, that is to grow into a continuously prayerful life and routine with God through the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). 

Matthew 6:9-13 HCSB

9 “Therefore, you should pray like this:

Our Father in heaven, Your name be honored as holy. 10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us today our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts,as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. [For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.]

Breaking Down the Lord’s Prayer

Our Relationship with God

Jesus directs us to view our relationship with God as one that is filled with His heavenly love and Fatherly concern for us. This is the first thing Jesus draws our attention to. How easy it is for us to forget this simple truth! God loves us like a good, good Father. In this reality we can have confidence to approach God no matter what is happening in our lives. In it, we see the basis of our identity! How important it is to align ourselves daily in prayer to this view of our relationship with God. 

God’s Nature

God is Holy, or Hallowed, set apart, unique from all other things. Jesus felt it was important for us to remember this daily. God isn’t just another human, He is the self-sustaining, creator of the universe. He defines life and meaning. Keeping God’s name holy, implies a posture of worshipful humility before God. We shouldn’t try to bend God into our own version of what He should be, but allow God to be God, Holy, as He has chosen to reveal Himself. If we merely try to mold God into an image of our liking, we will have a hard time knowing and reflecting God for who He is. 


Jesus clears something else up very quickly, as well. The purpose of my life, and my prayer, is not to push my agenda or “kingdom” but to know, experience, and partner in building God’s kingdom on earth as in heaven. Our heavenly father has heavenly plans, power, and provision. The important thing for us is not to beg God for things but to discover through His Word, His Spirit, and His Church, what is burning on His heart and to align ourselves in prayer and action with it. 


Notice that “I” is never used in the prayer. It is God and “US”. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us, lead us, deliver us. Jesus always valued community and he does so here in prayer. Intercession means to act on behalf of and for the benefit of someone else. One very important aspect of prayer is intercession. Throughout scripture God invites people to partner with Him, to see His kingdom impact the lives of other people and communities.

Our Needs 

Jesus’ invitation to pray for material provision is short and speaks to a thankful assumption the God wants to and is able to provide for our needs. Jesus calls us to a continuous, daily dependence on God for all our needs. Our daily bread, speaks to our daily dependence on God to meet all our needs according to his riches in Jesus (Philippians 4:19).


How important living out forgiveness and grace must be that Jesus would link God’s forgiveness to us with our forgiveness of others. Perhaps, it is because we haven’t truly grasped God’s forgiveness in our lives if we won’t forgive others. Jesus assumes all of us need forgiveness and that we will have ample opportunity to need to forgive others. This is illustrated as “debt”. God releases us from our debt of sinful rebellion and injustice and expects us to do the same for others. Through this grace, God’s kingdom can be built and our hearts  experience healing. 


We all are tempted to stray, to get distracted, to seek power, pleasure, or convenience over God’s will. Jesus reminds us to seek God’s wisdom, guidance, and direction and stand firm against the temptation and sin that will destroy our lives. That evil is real, and will really harm us. Jesus sees God as active in helping us to live abundantly and freely. Prayer, in all moments, helps us to listen to the right voice, the voice of the Spirit, leading us in the life of Jesus. 

The Glory 

Giving glory to God for all is a great way to end this prayer and any prayer.

Using the Model

The Lord’s prayer is often referred to as the Model Prayer. Here is how we can use it to guide our prayer times and prayer life. 

Use the Lord’s Prayer as a template

Focus on God’s Relationship to You as Loving Heavenly Father. 

Let the Holy Spirit and God’s Word speak to the thought patterns and situations in your life that are causing you to drift from the loving view that God has toward you. Take time to repent of sin, redirect or correct thought patterns, and ask for strength and clarity. 

God’s Nature

His Holiness, character, and attributes; love, mercy, grace, truth, righteousness. Think about what those mean, how you have experienced them in your life. Thank God for who He is and what He is like. 

God’s Kingdom Purpose and Will

Paul wrote that he wanted the church to have a spirit of wisdom and revelation to know God and His purposes more. Let the Holy Spirit flood your mind with what God’s kingdom is and stands for and how that might be revealed and manifested in your life today. Let God guide you and speak to you about actions you need to take. 


Allow time to pray for others. Allow the Holy Spirit to lay someone on your heart to pray for. 


God invites us to pray about our needs. Ask for what you need, the wisdom to see the answer, and thank God for His supply. 


Take time to focus on the forgiveness and grace God has poured out into your life. Also, allow God to free you from the grip of bitterness and unforgiveness toward others. 


Surrender to God the temptations and trials you are facing. Seek wisdom and direction. Spending time surrendered in God’s presence makes us stronger. And remember that God’s presence isn’t just with you during a time of prayer or worship but everywhere you go. 


Give God praise and thanks for all He is and all He has done. 

Prayer Tips

There are many good tools to utilize in prayer. One good thing to do during prayer is to meditate on a passage of scripture and pray it’s core truth over your life or others. Also, just being still before God, allowing the Holy Spirit to bring truth to your mind is powerful. Combining prayer with praise and worship is always a good idea, as well. Even playing some worship music in the background can be helpful. Find a good place and time to pray, go on a walk, or sit in your favorite chair. Try different ways to find a routine that will help you develop good prayer rhythms. 


(Based on your study and reflection, journal about the following concepts in your own words, these questions will form the basis for your upcoming Community Group discussion, be prepared to share some of your journal entries to these questions.)

What has been your experience with prayer during your life?

What causes you to be hesitant to pray?

How might your prayer requests change over time as you discover more about God through prayer?

What is the most impactful part of the Lord’s prayer for you? 

What helps you pray? 

How has God answered or not answered your prayers in the past? How do you feel about that?

How could the church empower you in your prayer life? 

Serve CHALLENGE: Take it to Jesus

Whatever we face in life, the Bible calls us to always take it to Jesus. Additionally, we find power when we pray in community. 

This week find at least one person to partner with in prayer. Ask each other for any special prayer requests. Take time each day to pray through the Lords’ prayer, incorporating this person and their prayer requests into the prayer. Connect again toward the end of the week to talk about how it went. How did the prayer time affect you? Talk about where you are at in your prayer requests. 

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