Lesson 2
community Diverse people united to reflect Jesus
Take time to read and reflect on the following passages and short teaching, meditate on the scriptures, pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and help you connect with God’s Word. As you think about this week’s topic, take time to pray for the Holy Spirit to shine a light on how this teaching can both comfort you and challenge you to grow.
When we talk about community, we are speaking of the church and how the church is meant to function and thrive. The church, as outlined in scripture, is the Church, capital “c”; all those throughout the ages who have been redeemed by Christ, and the church, small “c” which is comprised of local groups of believers around the world (1 Corinthians 12:13, Hebrews 11, Thessalonians 4:16-18). The church is referred to using several descriptive terms in scripture, some of which we will study here briefly.
The church is called the ekklesia, the called out and assembled ones, over 100 times in the New Testament.
The church is referred to as the oikos of God, the household, or family of God; believers are called brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of God, and leaders as mothers and fathers (Ephesians 2:19, 1 Timothy 3:15).
The church is referred to as the body of Christ with each member playing a vital role (1 Corinthians 12:27, Colossians 3:15-17).
In all these references, the church is more than a building, a denomination, a location, or a name on a website; it is the people of God, called out of slavery to sin and set free by the grace of Jesus to worship and serve the Lord together (1 Peter 2:9).
The church as God’s “new humanity” reclaims humanity’s royal place as God’s image-bearer and partner in creation by doing justice, preaching the gospel to the ends of the earth, making disciples, and eagerly awaiting heaven and earth to be renewed at the coming of the Lord (Genesis 1:27, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Matthew 28:19, Ephesians 2:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:23).
The importance of the diversity of the church is evident in scripture (1 Corinthians 12). The church is meant to call “all and Sundry” to be redeemed and transformed by Jesus. Yes, that is where our local church, Sundry Church, derives its name. “Various kinds” of people are brought together by God to pursue, encounter and reflect Jesus. In his ministry, Jesus united people from all walks of life. The Apostle Paul and other early church pioneers followed in Jesus’ footsteps by developing networks of local churches that were multi-ethnic, multi-generational, multi-linguistic communities that transformed cities and became the foundation of the global spread of the gospel.
So if we are only looking for people “like us” we will miss the point of community.
It is through this diverse, united people that the image of God is fully reflected and God’s purposes fully realized. Each person has giftings and is created in a unique and irreplaceable manner within the body of Christ. God, though grace, is able to unite very diverse people, empowering them to love and care for one other and to live for a common mission that reflects the beauty and justice of Jesus to our world, living out an expression of Jesus’ Kingdom on earth, and continuing Jesus’ ministry through the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8, John 14:15-21, Galatians 5:22-23). Community is more than a crowd.
How to Apply Community in Life?
True community should have three important characteristics that we emphasize at Sundry:
Authenticity: We believe Jesus wants the church to be a people that is authentic and real. A people where we don’t need to put on a “mask” and pretend (Colossians 3:8-10). A people where we can share our struggles, fears, and needs and receive love and encouragement as we care for one other. We can live authentically by speaking the truth in love, resisting unnecessary comparison, division, and competition. Jesus calls us in community to be content with who we are in Christ and accept others in the Lord (Colossians 3:12-14).
Accountability: As we “take off our mask” and live authentically, we must realize we are also called to “put on Christ” (Romans 13:14). Scripture calls us to watch out for one another and to provoke love and good works (Hebrews 10:24). You see we really can’t do this Jesus thing without help! Some of the greatest support comes from connecting with people who love, listen, and also can offer grace-filled, respectful guidance and even correction when needed. If we are above accountability we will not grow deeper in our faith. Some ways to develop accountability are by meeting regularly with a friend or group that will lovingly ask good and even tough questions about how you are doing inside and out, consistently attending worship gatherings, engaging in Community Group, and reading scripture, books, or other resources on spiritual growth with others.
Agape: The highest picture of love in the Bible is agape, love in self-sacrificing action (1 Corinthians 13). Love is said to cover a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8-10). It is said that only by together experiencing God’s love can we fully mature (Ephesians 3:14-21).
That said, it is important to remember that even in the best of relationships there will always come a need for grace, forgiveness, and selflessness. This is the love that God calls us to in Jesus. It is a love that is not based on self-interest but the love of God and the benefit of others. That means that when we let each other down, which will happen, we don’t isolate ourselves, hold a grudge, or fight back to get even (Philippians 4:1-3, Ephesians 4:25-32). We address each other with authenticity, sharing and receiving our feelings and thoughts with compassion and grace; lovingly encouraging one other to pursue Jesus. We are called to a love that redeems situations that might have derailed us. Even through challenges and conflict we can become stronger, closer, and reflect Jesus through it.
(Based on your study and reflection, journal about the following concepts in your own words, these questions will form the basis for your upcoming Community Group discussion, be prepared to share some of your journal entries to these questions.)
What is the church?
What are your hopes for your experience in the church over the next year, five years, lifetime?
What do you find most difficult about community in the church: authenticity, accountability, or agape?
How do you develop accountability?
How have you benefited from church community?
How could the church have better community?
What should you do if you don’t get along with or have a disagreement with someone from church?
break bread
One way the fellowship and community of the early Christians written about in the New Testament can be summed up is through the act of breaking bread (Acts 2:42-47). Breaking bread together symbolized sharing in the life of Christ. The believers we see in scripture took time to laugh, pray, celebrate, mourn, hope, dream, work, and grow together.
The concept of Always Break Bread is meant to encourage us to always look for opportunities to connect with people on a relational level. This can be simply taking time to say hello and genuinely ask how someone is doing. It could be stopping to pray with someone, taking time out for a cup of coffee together, sending a card, providing a meal, opening your home to others, engaging in Community Group, reaching out to someone while serving on a ministry team. Through all these avenues and more, we grow and reflect the image of Jesus.
1. Take time to step out of your regular routine and Break Bread with someone. Look for an opportunity to provide encouraging accountability. How can you show love toward this person? Learn their hopes, their needs, pray with them.
2. Journal about your experience breaking bread. How did it go? What helped or hindered authenticity or accountability? How were you able to show love toward this person?
Be prepared to talk about your experience with the Serve Challenge during your next Community Group time.
Additional Resources/Notes
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