Sundry Grow was created to provide a pathway to empower the church to grow deeper in discipleship. It involves an eight-part series of biblical teachings that tie in Sundry’s mission and values. Sundry Grow will act as a catalyst in your faith; teaching, comforting, equipping, and empowering you to pursue, encounter, and reflect Jesus. Sundry Grow involves both individual lesson work during the week and group discussion during Community Group meeting time.


Sundry Grow Components

  • Grow provides biblical and theological study that is meant to deepen our experience in God’s Word, stir us into conversation with our group, and lead us into practical action. Each lesson consists of one our Sundry Values, centered on and saturated in scripture. 

  • Grow is designed to cultivate rhythms in our schedule to allow the Holy Spirit to make the message of Jesus come alive in our heart. Each week Grow provides sample prayer, journal topics, and ways to apply the study to daily life. 

  • Grow offers ways we can apply our study and reflection in our life, family, church and community. The serve component outlines a specific weekly Serve Challenge you are asked to complete. Also, Grow provides conversation points from the Serve Challenge to journal about and discuss with your Community Group. 

  • Your Community Group will consist of 6-12 people. Your group will meet regularly to discuss your study, reflection time, and Serve Challenge. This gathering is a vital time to ask questions, share wins, discuss challenges, encourage one another, and pray together.



Each group member will be responsible to do the study, reflect, and serve components of the lesson individually during the week leading up to the next Community Group meeting time. We’ll go over how to approach each individual study session and additional resources are available at the bottom of the lesson page if you’d like extra resources to look at.



Share what you learned from the study, reflection, and Serve Challenge. Share your journal entries and things that helped or challenged you.