Revelation Chapters 2, 3 - Thyatira and Sardis

Today I want to talk about when the devil comes to church.

  • Illustration of the Baboon and the Bushmen, in the Kalihari Desert, an ancient tribe in Southern Africa, the Bushmen, has an interesting and sneaky way of finding water. They track baboons. Baboons are known to have very secret and ideal water holes in caves. However, the baboons are very careful about not revealing the source of their water to any other creatures. Over thousands of years in this dry arid land the Bushmen figured out a way to find the baboon’s secret water sources. They trap the baboon, tie it to a tree in the hot sun, and feed it salt pellets to make it very, very thirsty. Eventually, they let the little guy go and off he sprints, so thirsty that it mindlessly runs directly to the water hole, the human right behind it. The baboon is so thirst he forgets about the human and the need of keeping the water source secret. As the baboon plunges his dry mouth into the water to satisfy his thirst, he looks up the see his captor. The baboon colony now has a permanent roommate. Likewise, the devil worms his way into places he should not be, into sacred communities, churches, formed by Jesus to bring the water of life to the thirsty of the world.

Today we look at when church goes wrong and the enemy infiltrates the church. Today is not about pointing fingers at other people or churches. But as Jesus does in these opening chapters of Revelation, let’s as a church examine self before we see what God’s big plan of judgement is for the world.

Jumping right in, two churches today, two ways they are hurting the cause of Christ. They work together like bookends. One is too worldly or immoral, the other is too legalistic or self-righteous. Whether a church is too worldly or too legalistic both lead to death and failure to shine Jesus’ light as a lampstand.

THYATIRA — Revelation 2:18-29

  • Thyatira, was a city that geographically stood approximately 30 miles east of the important, royal city of Pergamos, which was an occult center of worship. In those days, Thyatira, was developed as a fortress or buffer to protect the most important and grand city of the region, Pergamos, from invaders. Thyatira was a military city, and therefore, with all those soldiers, it was a trade and commerce city, with many guilds or unions. In fact, Thyatira was known for having the most formidably organized trade guilds of any city. To work and prosper in the city you needed to be a member of a trade guild, such as textiles, metals, bronze, weapons, idols, tents, and dyes for garments. In fact, in Acts 16 we see perhaps the founding member of the church in Thyatira, a woman named Lydia, who was a dealer in purple cloth. She was in Philippi when the Apostle Paul was called there by his vision of the man from Macedonia. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message and she and her household were baptized. Paul and his companions even stayed at Lydia’s family’s home in Philippi during their ministry.

  • While Lydia and her house appear to have been solid in faith, the story of the church in her home town, Thyatira, is shown in this letter to be in grave danger. Jesus starts by revealing himself with eyes of blazing fire and feet of bronze, signifying judgement. He states that he sees some good deeds and that they are progressing in some areas. However, there is a big problem. They tolerate a woman referred to as Jezebel. This refers to the infamous Jezebel of the Old Testament, who married Ahab, King of Israel. You can read about them in 1 Kings 16 through 2 Kings 9. Ahab actually was one of the most powerful kings of his time. The northern kingdom of Israel in many ways prospered under his reign militarily and economically. However, it is stated the he did more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any other king before him. The worse thing he did was marry Jezebel. Though a strong man (though very evil) and leader, Ahab tolerated, (released, allowed, was subject to the influence and control of) his wicked and manipulative wife, Jezebel. Even when Ahab showed some small signs of repentance, Jezebel was right there to suck him back down in darkness. But Andy, it’s not nice to talk about a man’s wife like that. Well, this woman was the daughter of the King of the Sidonians and she decided that even though she wasn’t in charge she would rule over everything and everyone. That is where the idea of a “Jezebel spirit” comes from. Manipulating from outside-in, leading people astray from God into sin and violence. She set up Baal worship in the temple dedicated to Yahweh (God) in Israel. She instituted all kinds of immoral worship, where people committed deplorable, violent, and abusive acts. She would even kill those against her, including many of the prophets of God. She even tried to kill the legendary prophet Elijah. Every one was scared of her, most of the prophets of God were in hiding during her time in Israel. So here Jesus says that Jezebel, whoever it is, whether a woman in the church, a man who acted like Jezebel, or some even think perhaps it was the pastors’ wife, is bent on having her own way and leading others astray from the gospel. Jesus says she specifically leads christian servants into sexual immorality and eating food sacrificed to idols. Likely, what was happening was that many people in the church were under pressure from the trade guilds and the need to stay in good standing to keep their jobs and provide for family was evident. Often in those days each guild would have a patron god, when they gathered for meetings all members were expected to join in worshipping and sacrificing to that god and then engaging in all kinds of wild intoxication and sexual revelry. Likely, what was happening was this Jezebel person was utilizing her platform, “she calls herself a prophet” usurping authority, and preaching that people should go ahead and engage in these activities, justifying sinful behavior for the power or influence it yielded.

  • Jesus also speaks of Satan’s so called secrets. Deep secrets - cults thrive in hidden or secret knowledge, relationships, power, Satan’s power is often strong when secret. At the extreme end you might find dubious religious cults. On the other end you might encounter that person who seems to cause you to keep a lot of secrets, and act kind of shady… The danger of accommodating people who don’t have the right level of character is that when you align with them indiscriminately, without boundaries, you are setting yourself up for sin, pain, and failure. They will suck you in so that you don’t feel like you can live truthfully anymore.

  • In contrast, Christ is light, open truth, open relationally. Public. The bright morning star for all so in the deepest darkness of night.

  • Historically: The church, like Ahab, also entered an unholy marriage for the sake of power, influence, and control. At the Edict of Milan 313 Christianity went from the persecuted faithful to privileged and popular.  Things changed and not for the better.  In short, the Emperor of Rome, Constantine, allegedly had a vision of cross, dedicates his reign to Christ, and makes Christianity the attractive, accepted, and even preferred religion of the empire instead of the persecuted one. Now the neighbor who turned you in for not sacrificing to the false gods, is perhaps sitting next to you in church (I’m exaggerating but you get the point). Things changed for Christians and that changed the church. The culture not just accepted Christianity but took it over. In many ways that was not a good thing for the cause of Christ. The sad story is, the church didn’t change culture as much as culture changed the church. God still used the church, millions came to faith, but the church really lost its way.  The dark ages (approximately 5th to 14th centuries) were dark for various reasons but one of them certainly was the abject compromise and sinfulness of the church. The persecuted over the early centuries of the church became the persecutor, the winner of souls became the oppressor of souls as the church institution was married to the empire of Rome. The Holy Roman Catholic Empire was not a win for the kingdom of Jesus. Perhaps the statement from Thomas Aquinas (13th century) sums it up well, “There's a story that when Thomas Aquinas met Pope Innocent II he found him counting a pile of money. The Pope bragged, “Thomas, the church can no longer say, Silver & gold have I none.” Aquinas replied, “True, holy father, but neither can she now say, Arise & walk. (Acts 3:1-10)”

  • The church as institution began to adopt a lot of Roman pagan ideas and practices. The church became less open and more exclusive and secretive. They began a special cast of leaders - priests and lots of new rituals - special garments, articles, icons, and traditions. Jesus had kept it simple. Eventually, one could even pay to get their loved ones into heaven (indulgences) or earn their salvation through military conquest (the Crusades). The church gets complicated and compromised. The church enters fully into an unholy marriage, like Abab and Jezebel.  This still happens today, and will happen big time during the end times as we will see in later passages of Revelation.

  • They were essentially ok with getting power through evil and sinful means since they claimed it was for the cause Christ. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

  • Eventually, in many regards, historically, the Roman Catholic Church/Empire became a far cry from the Jesus movement. Though through the centuries, including today, there have been many sincere and faithful followers of Christ that called themselves Catholic, the institution of the Holy Roman Catholic Empire was what can be referred to as an apostate institution in many regards, departing from genuine faith and practice in Jesus.

  • LICENSE - This type of church and christian represents mixing faith with idolatry, in order to obtain power, influence, and worldly gain. It ranges from a license to live how you want but still be a Christian to outright violence and evil to subjugate others. It is “My way plus Jesus”. But the truth is when it’s, “My way plus Jesus”; whether “My way” is politics, power, sex, substance, popularity, pleasure, etc.…it always ends up those things, those idols, minus Jesus.

  • Note, God is gracious, ALL, including the Jezebel figure in the church are given time to repent, Jesus loves all but a time of judgement will come. Repent now before time is up.

  • Promise, the morning star is the brightest at the darkest moment of night.

  • Rule the nations, the humble, faithful, lowly will be given rule, not those who aggressively demand it, like Jezebel.

Now we turn to the other bookend. It looks much different but has the same conclusion.

SARDIS  Revelation 3:1—6 Looks good on the outside, dead and dry on the inside.

Continue south another 30 miles or so from Thyatira to Sardis. The church in Sardis was said by Jesus to have a good reputation for being alive but really they are dead. Wake up repent, your deeds are unfinished in the sight of God, Jesus states.

This church is likened historically by many to the churches coming out of the Reformation, 1200-1700. Thankfully the church came out of the dark ages. There is a wonderful return to God’s word and truth through leaders like John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Calvin, who preached justification by faith, not works. Faith and church was simplified back closer to the original design. However, over time, though the churches of the Reformation up through the centuries were strong and had a good reputation, many inside became dead. The work and light of the Spirit was not evident in many churches until God later sent the Great Awakenings and Revivals, of the 18th-20th centuries. Many churches, like Sardis, are dead, dry, legalistic churches, where strict rules replace relationship. Think of the Pharisees in the New Testament. Like Jesus said to the Pharisee, “You white washed tombs outside all clean on inside full of dead mans bones” (Matthew 23:27). These churches tend to focus on every little theological point while not really helping their fellow man a whole lot or seeing people come to faith in Jesus with genuine life change.

  • Denominationalism -  These are not all bad, we are a part of one, but through the centuries there has been a lot of division, fighting, and shaming. And not enough uniting to carry out Jesus’ mission of the the whole church.

  • LICENSE says I will do what I want and still be saved - LEGALISM, SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS says I am better than others and will earn my way to heaven, one might not say it outright but many live like it.

  • DEAD DRY RELIGION - Forgetting what it is like to be lost.

  • Division, strife, pride instead of mercy and compassion, like those in the video we need to be going out to help those in need instead of bickering about finer points of non-essential teachings or worshipping privately without being on mission publicly.

  • “Blot out name from book of life”, Possibly a reference to cities which had a “book of living” and a “book of the dead”. Cities had a book with all active residents in it that they regarded and needed to work with and include, the “book of the living”. When people passed away they went to other book, “the book of the dead”. At the end of Revelation we see books opened at the Great White Throne Judgment for individuals (Revelation 20), that might be similar to what is talked about here in chapter 3, as well. This here in chapter 3 appears to be directly referring to individuals but could indirectly be applied to the church in Thyatira, as a whole, the church will lose that good name, that reputation will be blotted out from influence in the city if it doesn’t repent.


  • The church can lose its way and place.  Like Thyatira, if we look no different than the world, filled with immorality and sin, if we disregard the command to holiness and being set apart for Christ, and live like whatever the culture needs and wants from us goes when it comes to morality and faith, then we will lose our light, and rightly so.

  • Like Sardis, if a church, if Sundry Church, sits here and just worries only about itself, perfecting our self-righteousness, and forgets about the lost and broken our lamp stand will be snuffed out, light taken, church closed, and that by Jesus, himself.

So today we need to repent of any sin in our lives: whether it be compromising with the world, whether it be legalism and thinking we are better and holier than thou and not engaging in mission to the lost and hurting.

These two churches remind me of two sons in Luke 19, The Lost Son

Elder and Younger Sons - which one do I, identify with? At different seasons maybe both?

Though their approach to faith is different Jesus calls them to the same thing, repent.

Repent: Revelation 2:21, Space or time to repent: so use that space, that time, it is not unlimited.